Product Information & Frequently Asked Questions for My Mental Health Project

  1. Is this service for me?

    This service works on the preventive mental health concept of health for all and prevention of mental health problems is everyone’s necessity.

    1. What health conditions does this service offer help with?

      This service helps with screening, diagnosis, early detection and intervention of most mental health disorders and contributing risk factors of mental ill-health.

    2. Who is the service intended for?

      This service is intended for everyone but we are currently targeting the age group of 13- 24 years old Australian residents as it is mostly this age group which experience first episode of a mental illness.

    3. What kind of assistance does the service offer?

      This service currently offers you screening and diagnosis, referral suggestion, serious incident reporting, psychoeducation and training.

    4. How is the service delivered?

      Our services are mostly provided on a secure online portal however aims to coordinate and use already pre-existing mental health resources and infrastructure available in your geographic area of residence.

    5. Are health professionals involved in delivering the service?

      Our service is designed by health professionals and is just a platform for digital self-diagnosis, information, learning material and prompt recommendation. No Health Service is delivered through our portal.

    6. When is the service available?

      Our service is ready as of Feb 2022. We are however aspiring to get maximum usage by requesting the federal or state government to endorse our product

    7. How much does the service cost? Is there any ongoing cost?

      We charge you a nominal cost of $1.99 per week for our service.

    8. How can I access the service?

      As mentioned before our service is based on preventive health care model and as per the healthcare at door step concept we aim to bring the service to you at your finger tips and convenience.

    9. Can I access the service anonymously?

      Our service is based on subscription only, hence we are unable to provide this service anonymously. However your information is going to be confidential and private.

    10. Does the service allow my carer, family member or support person to work with me to use the Service?

      If you are a person who is less than 16 years old our service has to be authorized by a legal guardian or parents. Our service is easy to use and is designed to be a person’s private affair. It is recommended not to share login details with anyone. We leave it up to the subscriber to make the choice of who and how much they want a carer, family member or support person to be involved.

  2. Will I benefit if I use this service?

    Our service is designed in a way that everyone gets something out of it. After all good mental wellbeing is for everyone.

    1. Is there any independent scientific evidence of benefit from using this service?

      Our service which is early intervention can reduce the impact of mental health problems and mental illness itself.

    2. Is the service endorsed by a government or professional body?

      This service is tested and endorsed by ORCHA and we are aiming to achieve a quasi- government status in order to use our service the best way and benefit the maximum number of Australians.

  3. Could this service do me harm?

    There is potentially no harm in screening and early diagnosis. Even if there is an unintended error in our self-diagnosis algorithm you are to always gain from focusing on your own mental health wellbeing.

    1. Are there any precautions or safety warnings related to this service?

      This service is designed to do basic screening, assessment and diagnosis using standardised mental health testing methods. Although we would make recommendations based on test results from your own self reporting. We would always recommend or encourage you to seek professional assessment and support.

    2. Has anyone reported concerns or adverse health events after using this service?

      One of the main potential risk of using our service is that the self-testing could sometimes NOT indicate any mental health issue. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that if you are feeling unwell you are to immediately get in touch with a Psychiatrist, your GP, Psychologist or other qualified and licensed Mental Health Professional. We have tried hard to cover most mental health illness and disorders, however there could be a few conditions that are not covered here.

  4. Should I trust this service?

    If you are able to trust and use various social media we believe its ok to trust our service which is highly confidential and private. Please go through our Privacy Policy and Terms and conditions for more information

    1. What is the business model for the service provider?

      My Mental Health Project is a for profit social enterprise.

    2. How does the service make money?

      We make money from our subscriptions.

  5. Is the service easy to use? Will I keep using it?

    My Mental Health Project is a self-evaluating tool and would make some recommendations at the end of the assessment. Our algorithm and tools are such that it will ask you to repeat the tests in case of need.

    1. How much time will it take me to use this service as suggested?

      We aim to provide our service as a part of school curriculum and our vision is to make it normal for everyone to spend at least 1 hour per week on their own mental wellbeing and continue to make this a habit. Just like you would brush your teeth or take a shower and look after your body we want everyone to look after their minds as well.

    2. How long will it take to get results from using this service?

      Our questionnaires are fairly simple and our aim is to encourage people to recognize the need for mental health care and seek professional help as needed without any stigma.

    3. Were people with lived experience involved in developing the service?

      Our founding director used his masters qualification in counselling and psychotherapy and 18 years of frontline experience in acute mental health government institutions in 3 countries to study people with lived experience and develop this service as being an employee limited the full potential that he could offer. On future projects we plan to develop and provide other services based on the needs and suggestions of people with lived experience.

    4. Will this service link with other health services?

      We are not in competition with any other services, our main intention is to use all the available pre-existing resources and services and recommend the use of other services that would be very beneficial to your situation or condition.

  6. Who will have access to my personal data?

    Your personal data will be accessible to you and My Mental Health Project Pty Ltd and who ever you would give access to. You will have to make a formal request to MMHPPL for your data to be given to a 3rd party. Please go through our privacy policy and terms and conditions for further information.

    1. What information does the service collect about me?

      We would collect all relevant medical information, contact information and information gathered through diagnostical assessments and screening.

    2. Who owns that data?

      The data is exclusively owned by you as per law while we safe keep it for you.

    3. Who is that information shared with and why?

      If requested, only demographic information will be shared with the Federal or state government for planning, funding and statistical reasons. We will not be sharing any personal data with anyone whatsoever.

    4. Where is information about me stored?

      Information storage will be on a secure cloud based storage platform.

    5. Can I easily share my information and results if I want to?

      You will have to make a formal request to us to release information to a licensed medical professional or facility.

    6. Can I save the personal information I enter on my device without it being shared with the provider?

      No. At the end of the day it is a medical diagnostic tool and we would require personal information as per law.

    7. Can I review and/or delete data that has been collected about me?

      Yes you will be able to review data entered by you however like any health history it cannot be deleted but a new version can surely be created.

    8. Does the service have a data-sharing (privacy) policy?

      No. Our intention is to help you and would like to monetize that via subscription alone and do not at any stage intend to sell your data for money. Please go through our privacy policy for further clarity.

    9. What security measures are in place to protect my personal information?

      Login and Password would be supplied you via school or University initially or by us if you have reached us via another pathway. Then you will be asked to change the password on initial login, It will also be CAPTCHA, OTP, Security Questions protected.

  7. Who can I contact with questions or concerns about this Service?
    1. How can I contact the service provider?

      Please contact if you have any further questions.

    2. Where can I go if I have concerns about this service?

      - For privacy/security issues contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)

      - For complaints against a health service contact your state or territory health complaints organisation

      - For complaints against an individual registered health professional contact the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority (AHPRA)

      - For complaints about misleading claims contact Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)